Miscellaneous Photos

The following pages are a mix of old and new photos from several different times in my juggling life. You might recognize some people on here. And of course, there are always the greatly-loved pictures of Lisa--my favorite juggler. Yeah baby!!

Way back in '96, I actually passed 6 balls with a guy named Bill at a retreat.
The first time I juggled tennis balls filled with rice. Same retreat in '96. Whoa....
Hanging out with Serious Juggling's owners and the guy who taught me the suicide string climb.
Lovin' life at the first Couer d'Alene fesitval.
Lisa always teases me about needing to balance the flag while I do my tennis can routine....
Hanging out with a hot woman juggler at Independence Point in CDA. Go to this festival!
I won a set of Butterfly Man balls at Damento 2003.Am I stoked? You be the judge...
Camp Fox on Catalina Island 1999. I tried out all my routines in front of the kids long before IJA...
What's cool about this photo 1--A hot girl is doing 5 balls. 2--It looks like the guy is juggling too!
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